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  Potential movement of methyl bromide through golf course greens
Titel: Potential movement of methyl bromide through golf course greens
Auteur: Smith, Albert E.
Bridges, David C.
Verschenen in: Communications in soil science and plant analysis
Paginering: Jaargang 27 (1996) nr. 9-10 pagina's 2381-2395
Jaar: 1996-05
Inhoud: Methyl bromide (MeBr) is routinely used for soil sterilization and stored food preservation. There is increasing concern for the continued use of MeBr due to the influence of methane and MeBr on the ozone layer in addition to its high mammalian toxicity. MeBr is commonly used for sterilizing golf course greens during construction and renovation. The high water solubility of MeBr and bromide ion (Br) and the high infiltration rate of most golf course greens allows for potential movement of these analytes into drainage channels and ultimately into surface contained water systems. The objective of this research was to develop a sensitive and accurate method for quantifying MeBr and Br in aqueous soil leachate and to determine the potential for MeBr and Br transport through golf course greens following fumigation. A method for utilizing a purge and trap system coupled to a gas Chromatograph equipped with an electron capture detector (P&T/GC-ECD) was developed for measuring MeBr. This system along with the LACHAT system for Br analyses in the purged subsample were used to quantify MeBr and its metabolites in aqueous leachate obtained from lysimeters developed to simulate treatment of renovated greens using MeBr fumigation. MeBr was applied to the enclosed lysimeters at rates of 533 and 65 g m-2 in two experiments. At 2 days after treatment (DAT), tops of the lysimeters were removed and at 4 DAT simulated rainfall and irrigation events were initiated. The leachate was collected from the bottoms of the lysimeters for a 22 day period and analyzed for MeBr and Br transported through the soil mixture. The sum of transported MeBr and Br from the two experiments was proportional to the treatment rate. Considerably more Br was transported than MeBr. The highest concentration of MeBr and Br in the leachate from both experiments was 11.8 and 57.2 mg L-1, respectively. The total MeBr and Br transported through the golf course greens rooting medium, accounted for less than 1% of the analyte applied at both treatment rates.
Uitgever: Taylor & Francis
Bronbestand: Elektronische Wetenschappelijke Tijdschriften

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