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  Adaptation of some introduced eragrostis species to calcareous soil and acid mine spoil
Titel: Adaptation of some introduced eragrostis species to calcareous soil and acid mine spoil
Auteur: Foy, C. D.
Oakes, A. J.
Schwartz, J. W.
Verschenen in: Communications in soil science and plant analysis
Paginering: Jaargang 10 (1979) nr. 6 pagina's 953-968
Jaar: 1979
Inhoud: Plant growth is frequently limited by Fe-related chlorosis on calcareous soils and by mineral toxicities on strongly acid soils and mine spoils. Better adapted varieties are needed for both soil situations, which are not always economically correctable. In a search for such geraplasm, 4 species (20 accessions) of Eragrostis were grown in greenhouse pots of a calcareous soil at pH 7.3. Two species were also compared on acid mine spoil at pH 3.5 and 4.7. Species, and accessions within species, differed significantly in tolerance to the calcareous soil, as measured by susceptibility to chlorosis and yield of plant tops. The range in top yield was 11-fold for accessions of Eragrostis capensis, 3-fold for Eragrostis lehmanniana, and 1.7-fold for Eragrostis superba. Eragrostis plana (P.I. 364340) was more tolerant to acid mine spoil (pH 3.5) but less tolerant to calcareous soil (pH 7.3) than Eragrostis superba (P.I. 364833). Chlorosis and poor growth of certain accessions on calcareous soil (pH 7.3) were not explained by specific mineral deficiencies or toxicities. However, the tops of chlorosis-susceptible accessions had lower ratios of Fe/Mn, Fe/Zn, and Fe/Cu than those of chlorosis-resistant accessions. This imbalance is believed to interfere with Fe metabolism in plant tops. Results suggested that superior strains of Eragrostis species can be selected for adaptation to calcareous or acid soils and that certain accessions characterized in these studies can be useful in studying the physiological mechanisms of mineral stress resistance in plants.
Uitgever: Taylor & Francis
Bronbestand: Elektronische Wetenschappelijke Tijdschriften

                             Details van artikel 6 van 183 gevonden artikelen
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