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  Intelligence Wars: Ireland and Afghanistan - The American Experience
Title: Intelligence Wars: Ireland and Afghanistan - The American Experience
Author: Mumford, Andrew
Appeared in: Civil wars
Paging: Volume 7 (2005) nr. 4 pages 377-395
Year: 2005
Contents: This article compares the attitudes and actions of the American political and intelligence communities towards Irish republicanism since the start of the 'Troubles' and Islamic fundamentalism in Afghanistan before 9/11. It argues that while romantic notions of both groups' struggles existed in political circles, the intelligence agencies have always retained a strong counter-terrorist strategy, especially after IRA violence escalated in the 1970s and as Islamic fighters turned their jihad against the US after the end of the Soviet occupation of Afghanistan. A constructivist analysis is offered as the explanation for positive American political engagement in the Northern Ireland peace process in the post-Cold War era and for the rapid degeneration of relations with Islamist groups. Consequentially, the article demonstrates how external influences come to bear on internal conflicts.
Publisher: Routledge
Source file: Elektronische Wetenschappelijke Tijdschriften

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