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  Slovenia in the European security architecture: Near and between the European union and NATO
Titel: Slovenia in the European security architecture: Near and between the European union and NATO
Auteur: Kacin, Jelko
Verschenen in: Cambridge review of international affairs
Paginering: Jaargang 12 (1998) nr. 1 pagina's 59-71
Jaar: 1998
Inhoud: The EU and NATO membership is in Slovenia's strategic, economic, and security interest, but also in the interest of Europe as a whole. Slovenia's success in accessing these two organisations could bring about positive effects for other former Yugoslav republics, now independent states, in their own ambition to become members of these organisations, and consequently foster peace and stability in the region. In this respect, Estonia seems to provide an interesting example. The invitation to Estonia as the only Baltic state to negotiate the EU membership not only demonstrates that the EU, contrary to NATO, has soberly departed from the so-called 'group' approach towards its enlargement, but it may have positive consequences on the Baltic region as a whole. Again, the prospect of EU membership and its advantages could give a boost to similar ambitions of other Baltic countries.
Uitgever: Routledge
Bronbestand: Elektronische Wetenschappelijke Tijdschriften

                             Details van artikel 25 van 29 gevonden artikelen
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