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  Recent studies on the possible mechanism of long periodical fluctuations in blood sedimentation rate patterns of healthy male subjects
Titel: Recent studies on the possible mechanism of long periodical fluctuations in blood sedimentation rate patterns of healthy male subjects
Auteur: Tromp, S. W.
Verschenen in: Biological rhythm research
Paginering: Jaargang 3 (1972) nr. 3-4 pagina's 419-420
Jaar: 1972-12
Inhoud: In previous reports it was pointed out that the average yearly percentages of male donors in The Netherlands (Leiden) with a blood sedimentation rate (BSR) 1-2 mm/1st hr showed a clearly fluctuating pattern which could not be explained with any of the usual meteorological parameters although they can explain the daily and seasonal fluctuations in BSR patterns. The average BSR percentages 1-2 mm/1st hr increased from 1955 (29.9%) till 1958 (54.7%, highest observed average yearly percentage), decreased till 1960 (30.7%), increased again till 1963 (39.3%), followed by a decrease till 1966 (22.9%, lowest observed average yearly percentage), new increase till 1968 (28.2%) and again a decrease till 1971 (<26%) and during 1972. These figures were based on approximately 11,000 male donors in Leiden per year. In order to study the possible mechanism of these fluctuations four types of research are at present in progress. Similar BSR patterns are studied in the blood bank data received from other parts of the world (Norway, Denmark, Sweden, Poland, Austria, Turkey, S.Africa and Argentina). So far only from Oslo data were received during a relatively long period (1963-1971). The data suggest also a decrease from 1963 (35.1%) till 1966 (21.4%), a new rise till 1969 (31.7%) followed by a decrease (at least to 24%). This may suggest that the fluctuations observed in The Netherlands are not local but regional or perhaps even world wide phenomena. It is known that the fibrinogen content of the blood influences considerably the BSR values of donors. Of 792 male blood donors in Leiden the fibrinogen content of the blood, BSR, haemoglobine and bloodpressure was determined in relation to age group and meteorological conditions. The study clearly showed that the observed fluctuations in BSR pattern are mainly due to fluctuations in fibrinogen level of the blood of healthy population groups which in turn seem to reflect long term fluctuations in liver function. Our studies on long term fluctuations of natural E.M. waves (atmospherics), with wavelengths 6-100 km, frequencies 3-50 Khz and amplitudes >0.01 v/m were continued. The E.M. waves are recorded as E.M. impulses. Their average yearly number increased till 1958, decreased till 1960, increased till 1963 and decreased again till now, except for a short increase in 1968. In other words, from 1955 till 1966 there is a similar fluctuation as the BSR pattern except for 1967. These studies are continued in connection with the observations of Eichmeier in Germany (1969) and Fisher in the USA (1968). Eichmeier observed that infrared radiation has an accelerating effect on the precipitation; UV, X-ray and 6 -radiation reduces the speed. Fisher observed a decreased sedimentation rate by the imposition of moderately strong electrical fields and alternating magnetic fields. However low level energy alternating fields increase the mobility of suspended colloidal particles and decrease the conductivity of water and increase the viscosity. All these aspects have to be considered in our future studies on weak, possibly extraterrestrial, E.M. or particle emissions reaching the surface of the earth. Also the recent studies by Weber in the USA on minor gravity fluctuations have to be considered. A fourth approach is the study of daily, monthly and yearly fluctuations of the Piccardi P-test percentages which started in Leiden since September 1969. They show beyond doubt the existence of still unknown external forces which are affected by metal screens during the precipitation of inorganic colloids of BiCl3. The monthly curve shows some resemblance with the BSR curves. Also this approach will require several years of follow up. All these studies are carried out to discover the possible factor which seems to cause both short and long term fluctuations in colloids, both in living systems and in inorganic fluids.
Uitgever: Taylor & Francis
Bronbestand: Elektronische Wetenschappelijke Tijdschriften

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