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  Possible relationship between sun spot cycles and fluctuations & in frequency of mongolism
Titel: Possible relationship between sun spot cycles and fluctuations & in frequency of mongolism
Auteur: Bos, G. J.
Verschenen in: Biological rhythm research
Paginering: Jaargang 3 (1972) nr. 3-4 pagina's 267-268
Jaar: 1972-12
Inhoud: This information is part of a series of seven epidemiological studies on the multicausal explanation of mongolism, so-called Down's Syndrom (D.S.). The main results are the following: Apart from the virus of hepatitis inf. also other viruses have to be considered as possible specific factors in the causation of mongolism. The overriping of the ova is another specific factor. The environmental factor is mainly responsible for the geographical distribution of the birth frequency of D.S. all over the world. This is a general factor and perhaps it can explain the cause of ageing in man. The environmental factor seems to operate through fluctuations in radiation effects of the sun, as expressed in the eleven years sun cycles. This factor can be divided in a time- and a space dimension. The space dimension seems to explain the geographical distribution of mongolism (higher birth frequency at high altitude and increasing gradually from the poles towards the equator). The time dimension of the sun activity can be measured with the D-test of Piccardi. The criteria for accepting a causal relationship between a certain environmental factor and a disease in epidemiology are the following: (a) the order of succession of factors must be consistent; (b) the existing knowledge of the D.S. must be consistent; (c) the correlation between the determinant and the distribution of the D.S. in time, place and person must be statistically significant. The criteria mentioned sub 5 (a) and 5 (b) are fulfilled. The fluctuations in sun-activity, expressed in the yearly course of sunactivity measured at sealevel, correlate significantly with yearly frequency changes of births of children with the D.S. when standardized on a fixed age of the mother. The collecting of these D.S. births, during the period 1950-1960, took place in the Nijmegen region and was carried out by the Institute of Genetics of the University of Nijmegen (The Netherlands). A total of 177 D.S. cases was recorded. In order to increase this relatively small number of data the published data of D.S. births in Michigan, U.S.A. were used, consisting of 2,423 D.S. cases during 15 years. The same results were obtained as in Nijmegen. 8. The Nijmegen data indicate that a risk of a D.S.birth doubles with every 5 years (1/2 sun spot cycle) of age increase of the mother. This finding is confirmed by the √2 law of Mosetti, described by Piccardi. The geographical distribution of the D.S. with fluctuations in time, place and person seems to suggest that the sun activity is a causal factor of mongolism.
Uitgever: Taylor & Francis
Bronbestand: Elektronische Wetenschappelijke Tijdschriften

                             Details van artikel 101 van 126 gevonden artikelen
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