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  Waterborne compounds from the green seaweed Ulva reticulata as inhibitive cues for larval attachment and metamorphosis in the Polychaete Hydroides elegans
Titel: Waterborne compounds from the green seaweed Ulva reticulata as inhibitive cues for larval attachment and metamorphosis in the Polychaete Hydroides elegans
Auteur: Harder, Tilman
Qian, Pei-Yuan
Verschenen in: Biofouling
Paginering: Jaargang 16 (2000) nr. 2-4 pagina's 205-214
Jaar: 2000-11
Inhoud: Field observations in Hong Kong waters have shown the marine macroalga Ulva reticulata Forsskal (Chlorophyta) to be free of fouling. In this study, the presumptive antifouling mechanism in this alga was investigated and attempts were made to distinguish between possible mechanisms. Waterborne algal compounds were analyzed in larval behavioral bioassays with the marine polychaete Hydroides elegans, a major fouling organism in tropical waters around the world. Larval attachment and metamorphosis in this sessile species is induced by specific bacterial strains in natural bio-organic films. In bioassays with alga-conditioned seawater, levels of larval metamorphosis were significantly reduced in comparison to controls. The results demonstrate that the inhibitive effect was caused by direct larval deterrence. Following a bio-assay-guided isolation procedure, an inhibitive fraction for larval metamorphosis was purified from U. reticulata-conditioned seawater. Preliminary chemical analysis of the biologically active fraction pointed to polysaccharides, proteins or glycoconjugates with a molecular weight > 100 kD.
Uitgever: Taylor & Francis
Bronbestand: Elektronische Wetenschappelijke Tijdschriften

                             Details van artikel 27 van 27 gevonden artikelen
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