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  Exploratory behaviour of barnacle larvae in field conditions
Titel: Exploratory behaviour of barnacle larvae in field conditions
Auteur: Hills, Jeremy M.
Thomason, Jeremy C.
Davis, Helen
Kohler, Jacob
Millett, Emma
Verschenen in: Biofouling
Paginering: Jaargang 16 (2000) nr. 2-4 pagina's 171-179
Jaar: 2000-11
Inhoud: The aim of this work was to develop techniques for the real time filming of Semibalanus balanoides cyprid larvae in the field in order to describe the exploratory behaviour of S. balanoides cyprids under natural field conditions. The underwater camera system consisted of a high resolution, remotely controlled colour camera attached to a cradle which could be deployed from a pier. A light utilising a battery of far-red light-emitting diodes (λmin = 615 nm) was used for filming at night. Transparent acrylic treated with barnacle settlement factor and smooth green polyester tiles were used as targets. From the films the tracks of the exploring cyprids were digitised from the 30 min trials. During five, 30 min trials a total of 1014 cyprids explored the surface. The numbers of cyprids exploring the surface varied from 49 to 522 cyprids per trial, and a Monte-Carlo randomisation model showed that larval supply was random or aggregated. The mean exploration time spent on the target was 163 s with a mean distance travelled on the target of 8.5 cm. Exploratory track length was related to water current velocity by a negative curvilinear regression (R2 = 0.92, F = 45.65, p < 0.05). There were significant differences in exploratory behaviour between day and night for total distance travelled (p < 0.001), straight line distance (p < 0.001) and velocity (p < 0.001) and the mean heading angle of the exploratory track (p < 0.01). The results are discussed in relation to settlement patterns and the screening of antifouling surfaces.
Uitgever: Taylor & Francis
Bronbestand: Elektronische Wetenschappelijke Tijdschriften

                             Details van artikel 12 van 27 gevonden artikelen
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