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  Foliar and ground-foraging predators of aphids associated with alfalfa crops in Chile: Are they good or bad partners?
Titel: Foliar and ground-foraging predators of aphids associated with alfalfa crops in Chile: Are they good or bad partners?
Auteur: Grez, Audrey A.
Rivera, Pamela
Zaviezo, Tania
Verschenen in: Biocontrol science and technology
Paginering: Jaargang 17 (2007) nr. 10 pagina's 1071-1077
Jaar: 2007
Inhoud: Carabids and coccinellids are the most abundant aphid predators in alfalfa. Depending on the amount of prey consumed, the impact of their combined effect can be additive, antagonistic, or synergistic. Laboratory trials demonstrated that a higher proportion of Aphis craccivora Koch dropped from the alfalfa plants in the presence of coccinellids, and that the interaction between these predators was additive or synergistic, but never antagonistic, suggesting that they might be good partners in controlling aphids.
Uitgever: Taylor & Francis
Bronbestand: Elektronische Wetenschappelijke Tijdschriften

                             Details van artikel 11 van 26 gevonden artikelen
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 Koninklijke Bibliotheek - Nationale Bibliotheek van Nederland