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  Social attributes, equity and higher educative path. Microeconometric study of a discrete choice model with logistic regression
Titel: Social attributes, equity and higher educative path. Microeconometric study of a discrete choice model with logistic regression
Auteur: Jaoul-Grammare, Magali
Verschenen in: Applied economics letters
Paginering: Jaargang 14 (2007) nr. 4-6 pagina's 287-291
Jaar: 2007-05
Inhoud: Developed countries are subjected to many social inequalities of which access at various stages of schooling is one of the most important. Regarded as more equitable in this context, is one education system which will less make dependent the results on individuals of their social origin. While taking Boudon's model as a starting point, the study seeks to determine, using logistic modelling, factors determining the university path. The analysis shows that if the continuation of studies depends on multiple factors, the role of the social origin is not negligible. The results join those of Peraita and Sanchez (1998) concerning Spain and Sawkins (2002) concerning Scotland. However, the various estimates show that it is primarily at the university end of the course that the role of the social factors takes place. Thus, the results would be more in favour of Boudon's model at the beginning of the course, against Bourdieu's, after.
Uitgever: Routledge
Bronbestand: Elektronische Wetenschappelijke Tijdschriften

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