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                                       Details van artikel 54 van 102 gevonden artikelen
  Interaction between price, quality and country of origin when estimating automobile demand: the case of Turkey
Titel: Interaction between price, quality and country of origin when estimating automobile demand: the case of Turkey
Auteur: Alper, C. Emre
Mumcu, Ayse
Verschenen in: Applied economics
Paginering: Jaargang 39 (2007) nr. 14 pagina's 1789-1796
Jaar: 2007-08
Inhoud: We estimate the demand for new automobiles in Turkey immediately following its entry to Custom Union with the European Union in 1996. We use quarterly data on price, quantity, quality, country of origin and product characteristics of the new automobile sales market and macroeconomic variables to estimate market demand during 1996-1999 using dynamic Generalized Least Squares Estimation method. In addition to including quality, we also include country of origin, to serve as another proxy for quality and to capture differences in cost-increasing and demand-reducing trade restrictions imposed on cars from certain countries as well as taste differences. Our results indicate that country of origin as well as quality matter for automobile demand in Turkey. Consistent with other aggregate automobile demand models for other countries, the demand for new automobiles is found to be price inelastic in the short run.
Uitgever: Routledge
Bronbestand: Elektronische Wetenschappelijke Tijdschriften

                             Details van artikel 54 van 102 gevonden artikelen
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