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Verschenen in: Analytical letters
Paginering: Jaargang 9 (1976) nr. 8 pagina's 7-35
Jaar: 1976-08-01
Inhoud: One of the fascinating features of analytical chemistry is the continuous challenge it provides the practitioners of this profession. As we are confronted with our current analytical problems and anticipate even more thought provoking and complex problems in the future it is reassuring to pause and examine the progress that has been made and is being made in the development of sensitive, specific and rapid methods of chemical analysis. Relevant to solving complex analytical problems and in handling samples of unusual complexity I would like to quote a sentence from one of Professor Laitinen's recent editorials in ANALYTICAL CHEMISTRY: “It boils down to the fact that complex mixtures will become increasingly important in the future, but no matter how sophisticated the instrumentation may become, the analytical chemist will continue to be the most important component in the solution of analytical problems”1. A review of the historical developments in analytical chemistry does indicate the importance of individuals and their unique resourcefulness, creativity and rational thinking in responding to practical problems and their own scientific curiosity.
Uitgever: Taylor & Francis
Bronbestand: Elektronische Wetenschappelijke Tijdschriften

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