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  The effects of an exercise with a stick on the lumbar spine and hip movement patterns during forward bending in patients with lumbar flexion syndrome
Titel: The effects of an exercise with a stick on the lumbar spine and hip movement patterns during forward bending in patients with lumbar flexion syndrome
Auteur: Yoon, Ji-yeon
Kim, Ji-won
Kang, Min-hyeok
An, Duk-hyun
Oh, Jae-seop
Verschenen in: Journal of back and musculoskeletal rehabilitation
Paginering: Jaargang 28 (2014) nr. 2 pagina's 359-364
Jaar: 2014-09-29
Inhoud: BACKGROUND AND OBJECTIVE: Forward bending is frequently performed in daily activities. However, excessive lumbar flexion during forward bending has been reported as a risk factor for low back pain. Therefore, we examined the effects of an exercise strategy using a stick on the angular displacement and movement onset of lumbar and hip flexion during forward-bending exercises in patients with lumbar flexion syndrome. METHODS: Eighteen volunteers with lumbar flexion syndrome were recruited in this study. Subjects performed forward-bending exercises with and without a straight stick in standing. The angular displacement and movement onset of lumbar and hip flexion during forward-bending exercises were measured by using a three dimensional motion analysis system. The significances of differences between the two conditions (with stick vs. without stick) was assessed using a one-way repeated analysis of variance. RESULTS: When using a stick during a forward-bending exercise, the peak angular displacement of lumbar flexion decreased significantly, and those of right and left-hip flexion increased significantly compared with those without a stick. The movement onset of lumbar flexion occurred significantly later, and the onset of right-hip flexion occurred significantly earlier with than without a stick. CONCLUSIONS: Based on these findings, a stick exercise was an effective method to prevent excessive lumbar flexion and more helpful in developing hip flexion during a forward-bending exercise. These findings will be useful for clinicians to teach self-exercise during forward bending in patients with lumbar flexion syndrome.
Uitgever: IOS Press
Bronbestand: Elektronische Wetenschappelijke Tijdschriften

                             Details van artikel 45 van 56 gevonden artikelen
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